using System; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.ComponentModel; using PlayHooky; using UnityEngine; namespaceExample { //Target class publicclassTargetClass { //NOTE: Ideally, your target method should never become inlined. We're going to make believe here and use an Attribute. [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] publicintadd(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
//We can't hook generics (we can only hook normal methods, non-generic methods that aren't generated at runtime). Don't even think about it! public T someGenericMethod<T>(T a, T b) where T : struct, IComparable<T> { //return max(a, b) return (a.CompareTo(b) > 0 ? a : b); }
publicclassProgram {
//We take the TagetClass "this" as our first argument. Don't forget this, it's important! //Note that this method is static. This is important. publicstaticintaddhook(TargetClass t, int a, int b) { Console.WriteLine("Hook called."); //Because we cannot call the original method, we must also do the work that the original did (if desired). return (a + b) + 1;
publicstring streamingAssetsPath { get { return"12122"; } }
publicstaticvoidMain(string[] args) { try { //Create the HookManager -- make sure this is done thread safe! HookManager manager = new HookManager(); //Create our target class. Hooking is retroactive, so it doesn't matter if objects exist before we hook them. TargetClass t = new TargetClass(); //Output the original Console.WriteLine("1 + 1 = " + new TargetClass().add(1, 1)); //Hook our target method // 这里反射获取我们需要替换的方法,然后用我们Program去替换 manager.Hook(typeof(TargetClass).GetMethod("add"), typeof(Program).GetMethod("addhook")); //Output the result Console.WriteLine("1 + 1 = " + t.add(1, 1) + "? The laws of math are breaking down!"); //Unhook the target method //这里还原Hook manager.Unhook(typeof(TargetClass).GetMethod("add")); //Output the result... done! See? Console.WriteLine("1 + 1 = " + new TargetClass().add(1, 1)); Console.ReadKey(); } catch(Win32Exception e) { //While in practice; you will never see this exception, it can happen if the underlying native calls fail. Make sure you catch it to fail gracefully! Console.Error.WriteLine("Unrecoverable Windows API error: " + e); } catch(Exception e) { //The only other exceptions that can be thrown are due to programmer error. For intsance, if a hook has already been hooked. Or you try to unhook a method that was never hooked. Console.Error.WriteLine("Unable to hook method, : " + e); } } } }
using PlayHooky; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; publicclassApplicationHook : MonoBehaviour { publicstaticstring streamingAssetsPath { get { //这里判断用不用开启,喜欢用什么就用什么 if (!EditorPrefs.GetBool("EDITOR_PREF_ASSET_LOAD_AS_REMOTE")) return oldStreamingAssetsPath; var p = PlayerPrefs.GetString("ASSET_REMOTE_ROOT"); return p == "" ? oldStreamingAssetsPath : p; } }
publicstaticstring persistentDataPath { get { if (!EditorPrefs.GetBool("EDITOR_PREF_ASSET_LOAD_AS_REMOTE")) return oldPersistentDataPath; var p = PlayerPrefs.GetString("ASSET_REMOTE_ROOT"); return p == "" ? oldPersistentDataPath : p; } }